The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped Friday for its best session of the year, as investors wrapped up a strong month after the Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation measure came in largely around expectations. The blue-chip Dow climbed 574.84 points, or 1.51%, to 38,686.32, lifted by Salesforce and UnitedHealth’s respective advances of 7.5% and 2.8%. The S&P…
Retail’s biggest winners during first-quarter earnings aren’t thriving because consumers are suddenly spending more on discretionary goods — it’s because they’re…
Tesla is recalling 125,227 vehicles in the United States due to a malfunction in its seat belt warning system that…
Signed sales contracts on existing homes dropped 7.7% in April compared to March, the slowest pace since April 2020,…
Orange juice prices have climbed to fresh all-time highs amid persistent supply constraints, pushing the industry into crisis mode and…
A top McDonald’s executive is weighing in on claims that the company has jacked up its prices. Joe Erlinger, president of…
Nissan has issued a ‘do not drive’ warning for about 84,000 older-model vehicles because they carry recalled Takata-made airbags.…
U.S. consumers and businesses alike have turned cautious about spending this year because of elevated inflation and interest rates,…
The Internal Revenue Service announced Thursday that its experimental Direct File free tax-filing option for simplified tax returns would…