Google on Tuesday announced new artificial intelligence features that are coming to Android devices. The move to bring its Gemini AI assistant to supported devices shows again how Google aims to put its AI in front of consumers before Apple, which will launch its AI on iPhones, Macs and iPads later this year.…
Mars will acquire Kellanova for $35.9 billion in cash, tying together some of the largest U.S. candy and snack brands, the companies announced Tuesday.…
Wall Street believes Brian Niccol is the right choice to turn around Starbucks — and move the chain past…
As investors face economic uncertainty, financial advisors have guidelines for how much cash they should have set aside. Despite second-quarter economic growth, nearly…
LONDON — Travelers in Europe can now take unlimited flights for 499 euros ($550) a year under a new…
A construction boom in the U.S. has resulted in lower rents and other benefits for renters. Record-construction activity since the pandemic…
Ford and Mazda have issued do-not-drive warnings covering more than 457,000 vehicles that contain recalled Takata airbags. According to…
Consumers grew more confident in July that inflation will be less of a problem in the coming years, according…
Macy’s decision to close nearly a third of its stores will spark change in malls and communities across the U.S.…